By applying fingertip pressure at the tendon apparatus it creates and electrical response throughout the muscle.  This electrical response sends signals throughout the body of the muscle to loosen and decrease spasms.

Liz practices the Jack Meagher Method of sports massage therapy.  Jack Meagher is the pioneer for equine sports massage.  He designed a range of techniques that are incorporated together free the muscles and increase the horse’s range of motion. By doing so you are able to determine strengths and weakness the horse may have.  The treatment also increases the horse stride length. 

Equine massage also has a profound effect on the nervous system.  Some of the effects that it has can decrease pain, increases range of motion, prevents injury, and it can help with proprioception.

Here is a small list of muscular issues your horse may have that massage will help with:

Hind leg stiffness
Shoulder stiffness
Unable to stretch their head and neck
Short, choppy gates
Gastro intestinal problems
Suffering from Lyme disease
The list can go on…

Before each treatment Liz will take a small assessment of the horse, sometimes by watching the horse walk.  To determine areas that may need to be freed.

For most it can be very beneficial to the welfare of both horse and ride to both be treated.  Everyone compensates in different area of their body.  The horse may counteract these area of weakness resulting in tension or strain in their bodies.  By freeing the muscles in both horse and rider you will be able to move as one.   

Treatment cost $75